Pathway for training nurses in the UK

If you are an NHS Trust or other healthcare body tapping into the huge pool of nurses for whom English is not their first language, we can help you on the journey to get them 'work-ready' by passing the OET exam. There is a whole army of talented people out there who may have dropped out of the profession for personal reasons, and it makes good sense to bring them back into the industry to alleviate the shortages in the healthcare sector at the moment.

Alternatively, you may already have recruited nurses to your organisation as health care assistants and it's time to move them on up the ladder. Investing in your current staff is a great way to build your nursing team because you know them already and will have identified those who are most promising.

Our OET National Pathway taps into our 6 years' experience in getting people trained up and through the OET exam - so we should know! The steps are firstly to assess the candidate so we know accurately the starting point, and secondly to make a decision about the training required and how much support you as the employer are willing to give in achieving the end result. That 'investment versus risk versus reward' discussion.

At Worcester Medical we are always happy to help - whether that is giving advice or hand-holding through the whole process. Please get in touch - scroll to the bottom for more.

1 - Online OET Assessment

  • Hospital recruits the nurse and passes the details on to Worcester Medical
  • Nurse takes online Nursemark OET level assessment
  • Worcester Medical feed back results to hospital with recommendation on likely training required
  • Hospital can make informed decision on whether to make the candidate a job offer

2 - Online OET Preparation

  • Nurse enrolled on online programme for either 4 weeks or 8 weeks
  • Each weekly module requires 10 hours of study (1+9 format)
  • Study sessions available daytime, evenings or weekends to fit in around shifts if required
  • Worcester Medical feed back candidate performance to hospital
  • Hospital can make informed decision on whether to enter candidate for OET exam or continue training

3 - OET Exam and Follow on Support

  • Nurse entered for OET exam via OET website (
  • Nurse shares results with hospital and with Worcester Medical
  • If required follow on support discussed and agreed between nurse, hospital and Worcester Medical
  • Worcester Medical provide on-going support / exam entry as required to achieve successful conclusion

Do you need some help?

Let's be honest - getting your recruits through OET can be a minefield. If you would like to have an open, honest and frank discussion about your recruitment plans we would be very happy to meet you in person, on Teams, Zoom or Skype. At Worcester Medical we have been 'doing OET' since 2017 (and prior to that IELTS) when it first became approved by the NMC and GMC in the UK and we are happy to share our knowledge and experience with you free of charge. Just give us a call on 01905-619877 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Once we have learnt about your plans we will give you honest advice without any obligation. We're happy to help!

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